IOS Game Development

Tech Fly,Jodhpur is the right place for young tech-trainees, IOS Games Development & Training  is a big deal in today’s technology and digital era. We strive to deliver right guidance and platform to our trainees.iPhone Game Development for Tech fly having 15 years well polished experienced faculties. Tech fly having proper functionality and infrastructure for IOS Game Development & Training.

For beginners separate guidance and learning through Task Based Programming.Sound & skilled trainees for different and pro-level learning programme. Tech Fly trainers gives you unique tips, tricks and time saving coding techniques that Tech flyers follow to develop IOS game development.In IOS game development we will covered following topics:-

iPhone App Development

Only 60 Days.

  1. Introduction to iPhone Development.
  2. Introduction to IOS.
  3. Handshaking with Development tools.
    1. IOS Platform overview.
    2. Understanding Xcode.
    3. Customize Xcode.
    4. Using of Simulator.
    5. Using of Organizer.
  4. Objective C Essentials.
    1. Objective C Overview.
    2. Programming With Objective C.
    3. Basic concept.
    4. Creating class.
    5. Array.
    6. Mutable Array.
    7. Dictionary.
  5. Xcode with Cocos2D Game Engine.
    1. Introduction to Cocos2D.
    2. Cocos2D object.
    3. Set device Orientation.
    4. App delegates.
    5. Create Hello Word Programming.
    6. Add Sprites in Class.
    7. Attached one Layer to other Layer.
    8. Attached one class to other class.
  6. Game Fundamentals
    1. Add backgrounds.
    2. Set z Value of Sprites.
    3. Set various properties of Sprites.
    1. Parallax Node.
    2. Touch Events/Handling.
    3. Collision of Two body.
    4. Movement of objects.
    5. Update Mechanism.


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