Java Language

Java is Object Oriented Programming Language & It is High Level Programming Language & Developed by Sun Microsystems .Java is simplified to eliminate language features that cause common programming errors and specifically designed to have as few implementation dependencies as possible.

Java Training in Jodhpur

Basics of Java

  1. Java – What, Where and Why? .
  2. History and Features of Java .
  3. Internals of Java Program.
  4. Difference between JDK,JRE and JVM .
  5. Internal Details of JVM .
  6. Variable and Data Type.
  7. Unicode System .
  8. Naming Convention.
  9. OOPS Concepts.

Advantage of OOP’s.

1 .Object and Class.
2. Method Overloading.
3. Constructor.
4. static variable, method and block this keyword.
5. Inheritance (IS-A).
6. Aggregation and Composition(HAS-A).
7. Method Overriding.
8.Co variant Return Type.
9.super keyword.
10. Instance Initialize block final keyword.
11.Run time Polymorphism.
12. static and Dynamic binding.
13. Abstract class and Interface.
14.Down casting with instance of operator.
15. Package and Access Modifiers.
16. Encapsulation.
17. Object class .
18. Object Cloning..
19.Java Array.
20Call By Value and Call By Reference.
21. strict fp keyword.

22. Creating API Document.

String Handling

1. String : What and Why?
2. Immutable String
3. String Comparison
4. String Concatenation
5.Sub string
6. Methods of String class
7. String Buffer class
8. String Builder class
9. Creating Immutable class
to String method
String Tokenism class

Exception Handling

1.Exception Handling : What and Why?
2.try and catch block
3. Multiple catch block
4. Nested try
5. finally block
6.throw keyword
7. Exception Propagation
8. throws keyword
9. Exception Handling with Method Overriding
10. Custom Exception

Nested Classes

1.Nested Class : What and Why?
2. Member Inner class
3. Anonymous Inner class
4.Local Inner class
5. static nested class
6. Nested Interface


1. Multitasking : What and Why?
2.Life Cycle of a Thread
3. Creating Thread
4. Thread Scheduler
5. Sleeping a thread
6. Joining a thread
7. Thread Priority
8. Daemon Thread
9. Thread Pooling
10. Thread Group
11. Shutdown Hook
12. Performing multiple task by multiple thread
13. Garbage Collection
14. Runnable class


1.synchronization : What and Why?
2.synchronized method
3.synchronized block
4.static synchronization
6.Inter-thread Communication
7.Interrupting Thread

Input and output

1.File Output Stream & File Input Stream
2.Byte Array Output Stream
3.Sequence Input Stream
4.Buffered Output Stream & Buffered Input Stream
5.File Writer & File Reader
6.Char Array Writer
7.Input from keyboard by Input Stream Reader
8.Input from keyboard by Console
9.Input from keyboard by Scanner
10.Print Stream class
11.Print Writer class
12.Compressing and Uncompromising File
13.Reading and Writing data simultaneously
14.Data Input Stream and Data Output Stream
15.Stream Tokenizer class


1.Serialization & De-serialization.
2.Serialization with IS-A and Has-A
3.transient keyword


1.Socket Programming
2.URL class
3.Displaying data of a web page
4.Inet Address class
5.Datagram Socket and Datagram Packet
6.Two way communication

AWT and Event Handling

1.AWT Controls
2.Event Handling by 3 ways
3.Event classes and Listener Interfaces
4.Adapter classes
5.Creating Games and Applications


1.Basics of Swing
2.JButton class

3.J Radio Button class
4.J Text Area class
5.J Combo Box class
6.J Table class
7.J Color Chooser class
8.J Progress Bar class
9.J Slider class
10. Digital Watch
11. Graphics in swing
12. Displaying Image
13.Edit Menu for Notepad
14.Open Dialog Box
15. Creating Notepad
16. Creating Games and applications

Layout Managers

  1.  Border Layout
    2.Grid Layout
    3.Flow Layout
    4.Box Layout
    5.Card Layout


1.Life Cycle of Applet
2.Graphics in Applet
3.Displaying image in Applet
4.Animation in Applet
5.Event Handling in Applet
6.J Applet class
7.Painting in Applet
8.Digital Clock in Applet
9.Analog Clock in Applet
10.Parameter in Applet
11.Applet Communication
12.Creating Games

Reflection API

1.Reflection API
2.newInstance() & Determining the class object
3.javap tool
4.creating javap tool
5.creating appletviewer
6.Accessing private method from outside the class


1.Collection Framework
2.Array List class
3.Linked List class
4.List Iterator interface
5.Hash Set class
6.inked HashSet class
7.Tree Set class
8.Priority Queue class
9.Array Deque class
10.Map interface
11.Hash Map class
12.Linked Hash Map class
13.Tree Map class
14.Hash table class
15.Comparable and Comparator
16.Properties class


1.JDBC Drivers
2.Steps to connect to the database
3. Connectivity with Oracle
4. Connectivity with MySQL
5. Connectivity with Access without DSN
6. DriverManager
7. Connection interface
8. Statement interface
9. ResultSet interface
10. PreparedStatement
11. ResultSetMetaData
12. DatabaseMetaData
13. Storing image
14. Retrieving image
15.S toring file
16.Retrieving file
17.Stored procedures and functions
18. Transaction Management
19. Batch Processing
20.JDBC New Features
21.Mini Project

Java New Features

1. Assertion
2. For-each loop
3. Varargs
4. Static Import
5. Autoboxing and Unboxing
6.Enum Type
7. Annotation etc.


1. Internationalization
2. Resource Bundle class
3.I18N with Date
4.I18N with Time
5.I18N with Number
6.I18N with Currency


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